Search Tag

In this article:


ImCMS support powerful and flex search engine that integrate with well-known Apache Solr. Each document in the system index in solr. Each content item on page indexing too: ImCMS provide searching by text content, document title, document alias, document menu description. Of course searching depends on current language, that user has already been selected.

Use in template

For using search in template all that needed are insert search-tag in the desired place.

<imcms:search searchRequest="" skip="0" take="20">
        Some action with ${searchItem} here

Available list of tag attributes:

Attribute Type Description
searchRequest String Optional property. Set request is searching in
skip Integer Optional property. It is describing how many items in result should be skipped
take Integer Optional property. It is describing how many items in result should be taken


<%@taglib prefix="imcms" uri="imcms" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
<imcms:search searchRequest="" skip="0" take="20">
    <ul class="simple-post-list">
                <div class="post-info">
                    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/${searchItem.foundDocument.alias}">${searchItem.foundDocument.headline}</a>

                    <div class="post-meta">

Paging integration

By default search tag provide paging. It is mean that pager tag can be inserted in to search tag body. (see also Pager Tag section).

For configure search tag to using paging look at example above.


<imcms:search searchRequest="" skip="0" take="20">
    <ul class="simple-post-list">
                <div class="post-info">
                    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/${searchItem.foundDocument.alias}">${searchItem.foundDocument.headline}</a>

                    <div class="post-meta">
    <imcms:pager visibleItemCount="6">
        <ul class="pagination pull-right">
            <li><a href="${}">1</a></li>
                    <c:when test="${pagerItem.showed}">
                        <li class="active"><a href="${}">${pagerItem.pageNumber}</a>
                        <li><a href="${}">${pagerItem.pageNumber}</a></li>
            <li><a href="${}">2</a>