Configure IA client

In this article:


Image Archive is divided into two parts: server and client. Both of them needs to be configured.

Client side includes into existing project by maven dependency:


With this dependencies client’s .war and required .jar are ready to use after some configuration. Most of next properties already available in project, but for full info lets see all required properties for client.

Database and Hibernate Configuration

  • For SQL Server:

    jdbc-driver = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
    jdbc-url = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/;AppName=imCMS;DatabaseName=imcms
    hibernate-dialect = com.imcode.imcms.addon.imagearchive.util.SQLServerDialect
  • For MySQL:

    jdbc-driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    jdbc-url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/iarch_new?characterEncoding=utf8
    hibernate-dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
  • For both:

    jdbc-username =
    jdbc-password =
  • Hibernate Configuration

    Automatically validates or exports schema DDL to the database when the SessionFactory is created.

    hibernate-hbm2ddl-auto =

    Possible values:

    • validate: validate that the schema matches, make no changes to the schema of the database, you probably want this for production

    • update: update the schema to reflect the entities being persisted

    • create: creates the schema necessary for your entities, destroying any previous data

    • create-drop: create the schema as in create above, but also drop the schema at the end of the session. This is great in early development or for testing.

Image Archive Own Configuration

URL to the separate image archive application, as seen by the clients browser, in form:

<host> [“:” <port>] “/” <context-path> “/archive”

For example: localhost:8080/client/archive or

ImageArchiveUrl =

URL to Image Archive server.

For example: or http://localhost:8081

ia-server-url =

IDs of the roles that are allowed to see the “Choose from image archive” button in image edit page, delimited by “,”. If not specified, everyone is allowed.

ImageArchiveAllowedRoleIds = 2

Path where all the images that are uploaded to Image Archive will be stored, can be relative or absolute.

For example: /var/image_archive


Be sure that user have rights to change folder content.

storage-path =

Path where temporary images that are being processed are stored.

For example: /tmp or C:/tmp


Be sure that user have rights to change folder content.

temp-path =

Path to images, in file system and URL.

ImageArchiveImagePath = archivedimages/
ImageArchiveImageUrl = /archivedimages/

ImageMagick is a software suite for creating, editing and composing images. It can be downloaded from This path should lead to where ImageMagick is installed, and is required only on windows. For linux leave it empty.

For example: C:/program files/imagemagick-6.4.9-q16

image-magick-path =

Maximum size of an uploaded image in bytes. By default 250 MB.

max-image-upload-size = 262144000

Maximum size of an uploaded ZIP archive in bytes. By default 250 MB.

max-zip-upload-size = 262144000

URL path to login, in imCMS, relative to context path.

imcms-login-url-path = login

Name for a directory within libraries folder, that will contain each users personal library. This directory will be automatically created.

imcms-users-library-folder = users

Next two properties may be empty:

Path to libraries, can be relative or absolute. Each folder in this directory will become a library in Image Archive - these folders can be created using imCMS file manager. Each library can contain one or more raw images which can be activated in Image Archive.

imcms-libraries-path =

Absolute or relative paths separated by “;”. Each path will become a library in Image archive, can be used for gaining access to old Image Archive.

imcms-old-library-paths =